About Us



About the owner:

Hey friend! I'm so glad you are here. Cozy Moments Co. is about so much more than just candles, and I can't wait for you to be part of this community! My name is Bryauna (or Bry); I'm 31 years old; my husband and I have been married for 8 years, and we have two furry babies named Merlin and Cheddar. No human babies yet, but we are fervently praying for that blessing ~

How we got here:

When I started this business in 2019, it came from a dream I'd had since I was a teenager about running my own store. It was never about candles, it was about the experience! I didn't even start learning how to make candles until about 3 months after I started my business! The experience of being my own boss and running my own store, not having to answer to some corporate office, is what drove me to create products that give YOU an experience. 

There is a lot of darkness and unrest in this world, and sometimes we need a reminder that there is One who can give us rest, peace, joy, and comfort~ The purpose of Cozy Moments Co. is to create space for you to enjoy that rest and comfort.

When you light one of my candles, it's meant to be like a pause button. Light that candle, hit pause, and rest. Reflect on your blessings, and give thanks. Breathe deeply. Soften your heart, and relax your countenance. In that moment, remember that you are safe, you are loved, and you have a purpose. 

"Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." ~ Matthew 11:28

Thank you for browsing our site, and considering our products for your home.

Be blessed, 

~ Bry